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National Truck Driver Appreciation Week
We hope you had a safe and relaxing Labor Day Weekend and that you were able to spend some quality time with family and friends.
We also hope you are getting some friendly smiles, nods and handshakes during National Truck Driver Appreciation Week. We sure appreciate the job you do!
And, we’d like to remind you that school is back in session. That means school buses and school children are back on the road.
Every school year we hear about crashes involving a school bus. Unfortunately, some involve big trucks, too.
According to the American Automobile Association (AAA) all drivers need to be extra aware this time of year. AAA has these back-to-school safety reminders for all drivers.
- Slow down near schools and residential areas.
- Always look for school buses loading and unloading students.
- Look between parked cars.
- Drive with headlights on, even during the day so you are more visible to children.
- Remember to practice extra caution in school zones during bad weather.
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