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Administration Calls on Industry Leaders to Chart Path Forward


American Trucking Associations President and CEO Chris Spear is among the selection of transportation leaders named by President Trump to the administration’s Great American Economic Revival initiative, which is convening bipartisan groups of industry leaders from across all sectors of the U.S. economy. These groups will work with the White House to chart the path forward for the economy as it rebounds from the COVID-19 pandemic.


“I am honored to serve our President and the nation in this capacity, representing the trucking industry and joining four ATA member company CEO’s, to bridge this crisis to a safe, speedy and full recovery,” said Spear. “Just as they have during the mitigation and response efforts, truckers will be at the forefront as we revive our economy’s engine and get our country moving again. No industry will be more vital, and we embrace the opportunity to play a leading role in this national effort.”


The following trucking CEOs were also named to the administration’s transportation group:


Fred Smith, FedEx

David Abney, UPS

John Roberts III, J.B. Hunt

Darren Hawkins, YRC Worldwide


Trucking is the central link in the United States’ supply chain, moving more than 70 percent of the nation’s freight tonnage. More than 80% of U.S. communities depend solely on trucking for delivery of their goods and commodities. In 2018, the trucking industry hauled 11.49 billion tons of the nation’s goods.


Throughout the mitigation and response phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, truckers continue to serve on the frontlines, delivering food, PPE, medicine and other essential supplies to meet the needs of medical professionals, first responders and the American people.

Visit the ATA COVID-19 Update Hub for the latest updates, information and resources.

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