Should we mention that the boss is toying around with the idea of changing the look of
Maybe we should wait until next month to break that news.
Until then, here are the results of the GPSBS Survey.
How often does your GPS Device (whatever type you use) provide accurate information?
All the time - 27%
Nearly all the time - 34%
Most of the time - 25%
Only sometimes - 4%
Hardly ever - 1%
I never use a GPS device - 9%
Looks like technology is improving all the time!
And while that may be true, it looks like Twitter is going through a little turmoil these days. So, up next, the TwitterQuitter Survey.
Until next time, have a safe and blessed Thanksgiving weekend!
Keep on truckin’ and please drive safely.
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We do like to hear from you and invite you to let us know how we can improve the e-Report. Please send your ideas and suggestions to:
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